
The Secret by Rhonda Byrne is is a book that has changed and will change many people’s lifes. It’s got all that’s needed to make your life better.

“It’s controversial”

“It’s inspiring”

“It’s bullshit”

… these and many other opinions can be heared about this great book. What it certainly does, it is making people aware, that by acting and believing, by perservering and following a path ot a goal, anything is possible!

The Law of Attraction is ages old and generally accepted, you could say it’s as sure to exist as gravity exists: When you hold a stone in your hands and you let go, the stone falls to the ground. Same priciple applies for your thoughts: If you strongly believe in something, then it will happen. – Naturally, not only by believing….. you’ll also need to go for it. But whilst you are believing in something, actually doing what’s necessary to reach that something becomes a lot easier.

You can use a sort of self-hypnosis to become more disciplined and to work towards your expectations and goals, or you can auto-suggest yourself in a way that you feel healthier and happier. How this all works is described in great detail in Rhonda Bynre’s audio for immediate download:

The Secret by Rhonda Byrne (audio) explains hwo thsi can work for you and your goals in detail. Listen to the audio, then write down what your really want in life, then listen again! The second time round you’ll find hints and tips that will help you reach your goals for sure.

Rhonda Byrne’s book ‘The Secret’ is not ‘just a new age fad’ as some would like to believe. This book will change the lifes of people to the better or to the worse. All will depend how the individual person handles her own life and the challenges associated with it.

Thoughts are not just non-matter floating about. Thoughts – positive or negative – have an immediate effect on the way your body chemistry behaves. This has been researched in depth and the results are accepted knowledge:

Our body is very strongly affected by our thoughts. Ongoing scientific research keeps showing new dimensions of that fact nearly every day. In a nutshell, this is the result of all these experiments: Think positive thoughts and your immune system is stronger and works better. Think negative thoughts and your immune system is weaker and you are more susceptible to illness and attack by bacteria and viri.

An other clear evidence how our thoughts influence our body and it’s self healing capacity: Placebos have a very strong influence on the way an illness progresses or regresses. A person who thinks he or she is receiving real treatment with real medicine when they are getting just a placebo very often show the same positive healing progress as people who actually get the real medicine. Why is that possible? Because theye are really healing themselves by thinking that they now have what they need and focus on this positive development subconciously.

That positive or negative influence goes even one step further: People who are in a positive environment where others are behaving well towards others, where the social climate is agreeable and supportive, experience a mental reaction in themselves, which then also creates a positive change in their body chemistry. They feel well and relaxed, smile and have a good time. All conditions that help to stay healthy. On the contrary, people who are in an environment, where hate and violence abounds, where they are under constant pressure and stress, feel bad, develop negative thoughts and worry a lot. They sooner or later fall ill. Think burn-out syndrome, depressions etc.

‘The Secret’ by Rhonda Byrne is available as audiobook and gives many more examples how thinking the right thoughts and affirming your positive thoughts will help you feel better and healthier.