Successful Living

Did you know that most people do not have a master plan? Do you have one?

If not, it might be a good idea to a) learn what a master plan is, and b) make one for yourself!

Master Plan – The Definiton

The broad but focused(!) line you want to follow to reach your goals. This is like a recipee for your personal fulfillment and happyness. It’s your road to success.

How to build a master plan for yourself:

I tend to do things in a quite structured way, maybe you have a different approach, for me this works quite fine:

Step one: Create a list of your personal, spiritual, physical, emotional and financial goals for the next year – i.e. for 2008.

Step two: Now assign priorities for each goal, start with number 1 for the most important goal, and increase the number as the priority decreases. You can assign the same number to no more than two items!

Step three: Now predict by what date you will have achieved the goal with the highest priority, then do the same for all your other goals.

OK, this is it, you now have your own Master Plan.

Question: How will you achieve your goals, now that you have written them down?

Answer: I suggest you read through this blog, it’s a good starting point, I’ve touched many subjects related to reaching your goals already. You also should – correct my self- MUST listen to a few audio books to understand how much energy you have and how you positively CAN reach any goal you set yourself.

Start off with The Secret by Rhonda Byrne (Rhonda Byrne) and then go on listening to Law of Attraction by Michael Losier .

Once you have listened to these two, I suggest you also download 50 self help classics a great audio book that brings you fifty more authors who all have very valid arguments for your success. By listening to these AND following their advice, you’ll be reaching your goals much faster than what you ever believed possible!

Some People tend to procrastinate because they are paralyzed with fear of failure, loss, pain and some even with fear of success!

What we fear becomes our reality! So it’s time to do away with fear of anything!

Here are few facts about fear and how it affects your life. Do you really want that?

  • Fear is ‘False Evidence Appearing Real’.
  • Over 90% of what we fear never becomes reality.
  • The best way to overcome fear is to do what you fear.
  • It helps if you visualize the worst case scenario and accept it as a possibility and realize it will probably never come to pass.
  • Our imagination exaggerates negative fears out of proportion even though what you fear in most cases never occurs!

To overcome this fear and to turn your energies to more positive thoughts, I recommend you listen to the audio book ‘Fear and Other Uninvited Guestsby Harriet Lerner. She has written a great manual that will help you see and guide you step by step to a more happy and relaxed life.

Unhappiness, says bestselling author Harriet Lerner, is fueled by three key emotions: anxiety, fear, and shame. They are the uninvited guests in our lives. When tragedy or hardship hit, they may become our constant companions.

With stories that are sometimes hilarious and sometimes heartbreaking, Lerner takes us from “fear-lite” to the most difficult lessons the universe sends us.

No one signs up for anxiety, fear and shame, but we can’t avoid them, either. As we learn to respond to these three key emotions in new ways, we can live more fully and move into the future with courage, clarity, humor, and hope.

So much to do! Not enough time! How will you manage to get this all done??? … You are overwhelmed. All good intentions to finish all these tasks will never be enough to really manage……

This ugly problem of too many things that are waiting to be done pesters way too many people. And it is so easy to overcome!

  • Learn to say, “No!”

Say “no” to activities and people that do not contribute to reaching your goals. And with goals I don’t just mean work goals, I mean whole life goals. That includes pleasure and quality time with friends and family!

People will take advantage of your kindness and generosity, once you seem to say “yes” all the time. You end up being a stop gap for all the others, who manage to free their time by letting you do things with or even for them.

If you want to learn more about saying “No” and time mangement, then this audio will help you learn the right techniques: Andy Guides has written ‘A Guide To Time Management’ . He says:

Managing stress and time is a rewarding accomplishment that all must maintain in order to reach success. Each day we wake up, we stress to meet deadlines, demands, and finding time to spend with our family, selves and friends.

While these are challenges we all must face, there are tools and techniques that can help you to meet them in a better, balanced way without feeling as though you are at the end of your cord. I know this to be true because I discovered them and implemented them in my own life with amazing results and now I want to share them with you!

This is the most complete report on time management you will ever read! Not only does it include timely tips and hints on tools to manage your time but how to create a backup time management plan as well!

You can download this audiobook ‘A Guide To Time Management’.

Parenting is a big challenge for us all. And it’s not getting easier these days with the enormous outside influences that kids are exposed to today. But really, not all that much has changed!

We can not teach our children everything, many experiences will have to be made by themselves and we can not protect them from all evil in the world. Our job is only to help them build a solid foundation and life philosophy that will carry them through the ups and downs of life. John Gray a parent and communications expert has develped a system that will help you achieve this. John, completing the notion that Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus, he adds

…and Children are from Heaven

In his audiobook ‘Children are from Heaven’ John Gray says that the five positive messages your children need to learn again and again are these:

  • It’s okay to be different.
  • It’s okay to make mistakes.
  • It’s okay to express negative emotions.
  • It’s okay to want more.
  • It’s okay to say no, but remember Mom and Dad are the bosses.

When these messages are put into practice — and John Gray shows you how — your children will develop the necessary skills for successful living:

  • forgiveness of others and themselves
  • sharing
  • delayed gratification
  • self-esteem
  • patience
  • persistence
  • respect for others and themselves
  • cooperation
  • compassion
  • confidence
  • the ability to be happy.

By applying the five messages and different skills of positive parenting, your children will recieve what they need to become more cooperative, confident, and compassionate children.