
Especially these days before Christmas, quite a few people seem to be running out of time and get into a stressful situation:

So much to do, and not enough time…. How will I manage?

It’s really quite easy: You need to set priorities and to assign a ‘time-value’ to all the things you want to achieve. I’ve just written a short article about Better Time Management, you find the how to guide there.

Follow these simples steps and you’ll live a much happier, stress free life!

This audio book has acutally helped me to get organized myself:

A Guide To Time Management – MP3 Audio Book – You can listen to this audio online, just click the link!

Discipline is a word that, for many, carries a slightly negative air. It’s associated with pressure, with things you don’t want to do but have to do anyhow, with having to give up things etc.

Discipline can, however, be associated with plenty of great positive terms: Discipline allows you to reach your goals. By doing what is necessary at the times its necessary, you will see results in a relatively short time. By staying disciplined, you are also sure not to waste the efforts you make. If you loose discipline after a while and start to abandon your activities, you could just as well not have started, because often the initial efforts go to waste and will lead nowhere.

So if you think about it: Discipline is a good thing! Also remember, that if you want to learn a new habit or break an old one, it takes about 30 days until it’s established. So you need to repeat something new every day for 30 days, if you want it to stick and to become a new habit.

Here are a few hints that will help you build these new habits and make them stick:

  • Write your new habit on a piece of cardboard, use bullet points and short descriptions of the actions that you want to make a habit of. Don’t try to achieve too much at the time, go step by step and build on your success after the first 30 days.
  • Make two or three more copies of this cardboard. Now place these cardboard notes in strategic places where you are boudn to see them several times a day. Start wit the bathroom mirror in the morning, then maybe the kitchen, your desk, and finish with the bedroom to see the note once more before going to sleep.

This will keep on reminding you on what you want to achieve.

  • Also keep a record of the times you actually completed the action, prepare the sheet for the next 60 days (changing the habit will take 30 days, re-affirming it further for an other 30 days will definitely fix it and you’ll have no problem to continue from there on). Every time you actually completed the task, you’ll check if off. Looking at this sheet will further motivate you as you see that you’re actually achieving what you decided to do and that you’re making progress towards your goal.

You’ll see that discipline is much easier to live than you ever thought.

… and if you think that it’s too tough, then I recommend you listen to this audiobook:

The Junction Boys – Jim Dent. The legendary Paul “Bear” Bryant is recognized nationwide as one of the greatest coaches ever. He drove a team of football players through the most gruelling training camp and forged them into a group that took this experience into their sport and that profited from it throughout their lifes. Paul Bryant drove home an extreme brand of blood-and-thunder discipline. In a calculated move that many consider the salvation of Texas A&M football, Bryant put his players through the most grueling workoutever imagined.

Once you have finished with this audiobook, you’ll feel that your small sacrifices to achieve a new habit are peanuts…. 🙂

Parenting is a big challenge for us all. And it’s not getting easier these days with the enormous outside influences that kids are exposed to today. But really, not all that much has changed!

We can not teach our children everything, many experiences will have to be made by themselves and we can not protect them from all evil in the world. Our job is only to help them build a solid foundation and life philosophy that will carry them through the ups and downs of life. John Gray a parent and communications expert has develped a system that will help you achieve this. John, completing the notion that Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus, he adds

…and Children are from Heaven

In his audiobook ‘Children are from Heaven’ John Gray says that the five positive messages your children need to learn again and again are these:

  • It’s okay to be different.
  • It’s okay to make mistakes.
  • It’s okay to express negative emotions.
  • It’s okay to want more.
  • It’s okay to say no, but remember Mom and Dad are the bosses.

When these messages are put into practice — and John Gray shows you how — your children will develop the necessary skills for successful living:

  • forgiveness of others and themselves
  • sharing
  • delayed gratification
  • self-esteem
  • patience
  • persistence
  • respect for others and themselves
  • cooperation
  • compassion
  • confidence
  • the ability to be happy.

By applying the five messages and different skills of positive parenting, your children will recieve what they need to become more cooperative, confident, and compassionate children.

In today’s time, everything must be finished and done nearly before it got started…. Time is money! But is that really so?

Patience can actually get you a much better quality of life! Let’s look at a few examples of how patience will increase your life quality immediately:

  • Traffic: You are sitting in the middle of a royal traffic jam. Can you personally do anything about it (other than not using your car and staying away from high traffic areas during rush hours)? Not really! So why getting impatient, angry or upset? Listen to some great music, take the time to think about something positive, give the driver next to you a great smile!
  • Lines at the cashier: Will the line move faster and people simply disappear because you think things are moving soooo slooowwww? No! So why getting impatient? Enjoy a moment of calm and observe what others do, maybe even start chatting with somebody. I’m having a lot of fun in a line and had many great conversations already.

You can spin this on and you’ll find that there are plenty of situations every day that will improve greatly and become totally stress free, once you develop the knack of stepping a few steps back, and realizing that patience is the key. Add some tolerance and allow for small deficiencies in yourself and others, and it gets truly great!

Also, if you are impatient, you tend to take the wrong decisions and come to the the wrong conclusions. It’s very easy to get frustrated or laid back when things don’t go according to plan. If the plan is to move faster than possible, then either find an other way, where there are no traffic jams, (literal ones and others) or slow down to a realisitc pace. Just because it takes a bit longer does not mean it’s impossible!

Maybe you have asked yourself what you can do to make this world a better place to live? Maybe you had even started to try to change the way others behave and live? Well, you’re up against a windmill…… Changing others is extremely difficult and and possibly frustrating. Why not start with yoruself?

“What I have learned is the only thing or person I can change…is ME. There is plenty of work to do right here and that requires a lot of energy and time and focus. I have learned that by changing me, by working every day to make myself a better person, I live a better life, and as my life becomes better….the world IS a better place. “

KathllenSue expresses exactly what personal development is all about.

This is also one of the central points that all of the people who have contributed to ‘The Secret’ say in one way or the other: Work on yourself and your environment will adapt.

‘The Secret’ by Rhonda Byrne is not the only nor the first book that offers good advice for a better life and a positive outlook. Happiness is a lot easier to achieve when you are getting into the right frame of mind:

The audiobook How to Stop Worrying and Start Living by Dale Carnegie deals with fundamental emotions and ideas. It is fascinating to listen to and easy to apply. Let it change and improve you. There’s no need to live with worry and anxiety that keep you from enjoying a full, active and happy life!

I find that by using a combination of these motivational books and applying their wisdom to my own life things have changed for the better.

The Secret by Rhonda Byrne is making big waves. It’s like the proverbial stone that was thrown into the middle of the pond, and now the waves are multiplying and moving outwards in all directions.

The Law of Attraction is ages old and generally accepted, you could say it’s as sure to exist as gravity: If you have a stone in your hand and you let go, it falls to the ground. Same for your thoughts: If you strongly believe in something, then it will happen.

The Secret by Rhonda Byrne (audio) explains this in detail and I’ll go over these comments and thoughts in this blog. Obviously, not everbody will agree, but that’s OK.

This is not ‘just an other new age fad’ as some would like. This book will change the lifes of people to the better or to the worse. All will depend how the individual person handles her own life and challenges.