
The Secret by Rhonda Byrne is is a book that has changed and will change many people’s lifes. It’s got all that’s needed to make your life better.

“It’s controversial”

“It’s inspiring”

“It’s bullshit”

… these and many other opinions can be heared about this great book. What it certainly does, it is making people aware, that by acting and believing, by perservering and following a path ot a goal, anything is possible!

The Law of Attraction is ages old and generally accepted, you could say it’s as sure to exist as gravity exists: When you hold a stone in your hands and you let go, the stone falls to the ground. Same priciple applies for your thoughts: If you strongly believe in something, then it will happen. – Naturally, not only by believing….. you’ll also need to go for it. But whilst you are believing in something, actually doing what’s necessary to reach that something becomes a lot easier.

You can use a sort of self-hypnosis to become more disciplined and to work towards your expectations and goals, or you can auto-suggest yourself in a way that you feel healthier and happier. How this all works is described in great detail in Rhonda Bynre’s audio for immediate download:

The Secret by Rhonda Byrne (audio) explains hwo thsi can work for you and your goals in detail. Listen to the audio, then write down what your really want in life, then listen again! The second time round you’ll find hints and tips that will help you reach your goals for sure.

Rhonda Byrne’s book ‘The Secret’ is not ‘just a new age fad’ as some would like to believe. This book will change the lifes of people to the better or to the worse. All will depend how the individual person handles her own life and the challenges associated with it.

Goal Setting is a task that most people take too lightly and underestimate: If you are setting a goal the right way, you’ve made already one third of the way to reaching it! If you are full of good intentions, but don’t set goals, chances are that you’ll never fulfill your wishes!

Let’s look why goal setting is so important: If you’re the captain of a ship, and you venture into the deep waters of the sea, without seeing land anywhere, how will you reach your destination:

  • By letting the winds drive you wherever they want and not changing the sails, or
  • By adjusting your sails according to the compas, so that the force of the wind is used to drive you in the direction of your destination?

The answer is really quite clear, isn’t it? The chance that the wind will drive you to your destination without you changing the settings of your sails, is quite small…. – and without knowing in which direction your destination is to be found, you can’t set your compas course!

The same philosophy applies to goal setting: If you let yourself drift and just hope that some day something good will happen, it may take longer than your life for your wish to come true… – So give your life direction and set goals!

Let’s look at what a good precise goal looks like:

  • It defines a final state
  • It is measurable in quantity
  • It is measurable in time

Means: i.e. you could define the final state like this: “I want to have a circle of real friends, minimum 5 people who I can talk to about anything and who trust me and I know that I can trust them.” You have also defind the quantity with the number of five.

Now, that is great, but how long will you take to achieve this final state? Defining a time frame for this is impossible…. So we might need to define a second set of goals that will lead us to this final state:

Simply by getting to know more people and finally finding the ones that meet the category. Simply might actually not be the best term to choose in this case, finding friends like these is not something easy. But let’s see how we can achieve this.

This is what will really bring you to the final state: Start meeting new people. At the bus stop, at the waiting line in the supe market, in a bar, your choice really. If you have special hobbies or passions, go where people with these hobbies are to be found etc. Your time frame is in this case a repetition of an action until success:

  • I will make contact with one new person every day.

Now we have all three points covered that make a good goal: final state, quantity, time.

You see, it’s not really complicated to set a goal.

Once you are clear about your goals, you might want to use additional help to reach these and to program your mind to help you keep drive towards success. Glenn Harrold has produced a Guide to Manifesting Your Goals and Dreams that uses hypnotic techniques. This works quite well, provided you have precisely defined goals and not just a wish…