
Some People tend to procrastinate because they are paralyzed with fear of failure, loss, pain and some even with fear of success!

What we fear becomes our reality! So it’s time to do away with fear of anything!

Here are few facts about fear and how it affects your life. Do you really want that?

  • Fear is ‘False Evidence Appearing Real’.
  • Over 90% of what we fear never becomes reality.
  • The best way to overcome fear is to do what you fear.
  • It helps if you visualize the worst case scenario and accept it as a possibility and realize it will probably never come to pass.
  • Our imagination exaggerates negative fears out of proportion even though what you fear in most cases never occurs!

To overcome this fear and to turn your energies to more positive thoughts, I recommend you listen to the audio book ‘Fear and Other Uninvited Guestsby Harriet Lerner. She has written a great manual that will help you see and guide you step by step to a more happy and relaxed life.

Unhappiness, says bestselling author Harriet Lerner, is fueled by three key emotions: anxiety, fear, and shame. They are the uninvited guests in our lives. When tragedy or hardship hit, they may become our constant companions.

With stories that are sometimes hilarious and sometimes heartbreaking, Lerner takes us from “fear-lite” to the most difficult lessons the universe sends us.

No one signs up for anxiety, fear and shame, but we can’t avoid them, either. As we learn to respond to these three key emotions in new ways, we can live more fully and move into the future with courage, clarity, humor, and hope.

Preparing for a job interview means getting ready to be grilled, getting ready to be your best and show your positive assets. Be also prepared for the interviewers to try and ferret out all the other stuff, things you don’t like to talk about, your weaknesses etc.

Here’s what a potential applicant for a job might be asked by the person screening applicants. If you prepare for these questions and are ready, you will outdo 80% of all other applicants:

  1. Looking back over your career – and your time at high school and college – what are the talents and skills that set you apart form others? What can you do better than almost everyone else?
  2. What made you decide to apply for this position? What is the attraction that this particular opportunity and our organization holds for you?
  3. Tell us which activities in your previous jobs have you enjoyed the most? Which tasks and activities have you had the most success with?
  4. Which activities on the other hand could be dealt with by others in your organization better than you could? Why was that so?
  5. If I were to ask your former bosses and your colleagues about you, what would they say are your greatest strengths and talents?
  6. In you last two jobs: What results have you delivered? What accomplishments are you most proud of?
  7. Now let’s assume we offer you this job amd you start working with us. What would need to be true about our organization, the team, and your job for you to be able to tell your friends half a year from now, “I’m glad I took this job. I made an excellent decision”?
  8. When you leave here, you’re likely to go over this interview once more and you’ll probaly wish that I had asked one question. What question will you wish I had asked?
  9. Do you have questions we have not covered yet?

In The Secret by Rhonda Byrne you’ll find a great set of information how to mentally prepare and to set yourself into a very positive mood. The inner strength you’ll gain from these techniques will help you feel better and thus also make a much better and composed impression on the interviewers.

You can use the Law of Attraction to your advantage, you can concentrate on your goals and create in this way a very strong force within yourself that will send out positive energy. Naturally you have to prepare for the interview also n the conventional way, do your home work and research into the company to prepare. Using a combination of the old fashioned prep work and the mental strength as described by Rhonda Ryner, you’ll succeed!

A few  other great audio books may also help you to prepare for the worst: audio books about job interviews . You can listen to sound samples online, just click on the link above.

Thoughts are not just non-matter floating about. Thoughts – positive or negative – have an immediate effect on the way your body chemistry behaves. This has been researched in depth and the results are accepted knowledge:

Our body is very strongly affected by our thoughts. Ongoing scientific research keeps showing new dimensions of that fact nearly every day. In a nutshell, this is the result of all these experiments: Think positive thoughts and your immune system is stronger and works better. Think negative thoughts and your immune system is weaker and you are more susceptible to illness and attack by bacteria and viri.

An other clear evidence how our thoughts influence our body and it’s self healing capacity: Placebos have a very strong influence on the way an illness progresses or regresses. A person who thinks he or she is receiving real treatment with real medicine when they are getting just a placebo very often show the same positive healing progress as people who actually get the real medicine. Why is that possible? Because theye are really healing themselves by thinking that they now have what they need and focus on this positive development subconciously.

That positive or negative influence goes even one step further: People who are in a positive environment where others are behaving well towards others, where the social climate is agreeable and supportive, experience a mental reaction in themselves, which then also creates a positive change in their body chemistry. They feel well and relaxed, smile and have a good time. All conditions that help to stay healthy. On the contrary, people who are in an environment, where hate and violence abounds, where they are under constant pressure and stress, feel bad, develop negative thoughts and worry a lot. They sooner or later fall ill. Think burn-out syndrome, depressions etc.

‘The Secret’ by Rhonda Byrne is available as audiobook and gives many more examples how thinking the right thoughts and affirming your positive thoughts will help you feel better and healthier.

‘The Secret’ by Rhonda Byrne is not the only nor the first book that offers good advice for a better life and a positive outlook. Happiness is a lot easier to achieve when you are getting into the right frame of mind:

The audiobook How to Stop Worrying and Start Living by Dale Carnegie deals with fundamental emotions and ideas. It is fascinating to listen to and easy to apply. Let it change and improve you. There’s no need to live with worry and anxiety that keep you from enjoying a full, active and happy life!

I find that by using a combination of these motivational books and applying their wisdom to my own life things have changed for the better.