Mental Attitude

I’ll be doing a job interview questions series over the next few days. This being the end of the year, quite a few people are considering where they stand in their carreer, and if you’re one of them it’s worthwhile to also think about these sneeky questions you’ll come across from HR (human resources) people, trying to unearth your so called weak spots….

Here we go with the first question:

How long have you been looking for a job?

(The HR person wants to know if is there something wrong with you. Have other employers noticed a problem area and are you therefor on job search for a long time already?)

This could be your answer, especially if it’s been a while since you last held a firm employment:

Your tactic: Explain the long period with a type of sabattical, you took some time to assess your position and to make sure you know where your future will bring you. Sounds good, nobody can wrong you for that and it nicely explains, why it’s been some time since your last job.

“After I was laid off from my last job, I took the opportunity to take some time out to examine my career goals and where I was going with my life. I have just begun my search in the last few weeks. I have a definite goal in mind and have been very selective about the positions I consider. Your company and this position are of great interest to me.”

There are plenty more job interview questions that can come your way. I suggest you take some time to seriously prepare. Here are a few good audio books that you can listen to:

Audio Books about job interviews

You can listen to sample recording of these book online and if you like what you hear, they are ready for immediate download! Good luck!

A Positive Mental Attitude is the key to your success.

Does this situation seem to be familiar:

You enter a room and see a few rather uninspired faces, people moving about with hanging shoulders and seemingly uninterested, even annoyed, are doing their daily chores and you can see that they would give nearly anything to be elsewhere…. ???

Having such a stance and mental attitude is making their day pure misery.

On the other side of the scale, you may have experienced an other scene as well:

When entering a room, smiling faces and friendly words greet you. People are bouncing about and seemingly hardly touch the floor when moving. Everything seems to be fun, feindly words and jockes float about. These people are happy! Happy to be where they are, happy to do what they do.

What is it that makes the big difference in these two images?

It’s their mental attitude. They are working daily to cultivate a positive mental attitude. And they now have made it nearly a habit, soemthing that starts to be natural. This poritive mental attitude is the foundation of success.

Because what you send out also comes back to you. If yousmile at people, are friendly and positive, it’s only natural for others to replicate. You start a vicious circle, but you make it turn the right way round:

The more you are radiating positive energy and hand out smiles, the more of the same is returned to you. That fuels your energies and you can give out even more, more comes back and so on.

Isn’t that great???

Read more about positive energy and how to cultivate the right attitude in ‘The Secret’ by Rhonda Byrne. It’s a great audio book that you can listen to on the go and that will not only educate you on the way of being positive, but this book will change the way you look at your life. Listen to a sample of ‘The Secret’ audio book here

Reading is Great, but if your read an important book, magazine article or speech, you should make sure you get the most out of it.

Here’s my suggestion how to do this: When you come across a thought or sentence that hits you as being important and that you want to be able to use later in conversation or just for your inspiration:

Hold on a moment, re-read it a second and third time, think about it.

Then copy this quotation or motivational passages and memorize it.

Reading ‘The Secret’ by Rhonda Byrne I have marked many passages, and written them into a small book for myself. Using this small book now, I get to the essence of the book immediately and can refresh my memory easily.

Copying the important passages forces you to develop the right mental habits which will inevitably lead you to success.

Listening is an other very important skill that many people neglect. If you catch yourself not really listening to the other perosn when in a conversation, or forgetting immediately what was said, and you want to change this, the audio book ‘Listening – a forgotten skill’ might be just the audio book you are looking for.

Managers and other employees spend more than 40 percent of their time listening to other people but often do it so poorly that the result is misunderstood instructions, misdirected projects, and erroneous actions—millions of dollars’ worth of mistakes just because most people don’t know how to listen.

In this new edition of her classic guide to the art of effective listening, Madelyn Burley-Allen shows you how to acquire active, productive listening skills and put them to work for you—professionally, socially, and personally.

Using an organizer or daytime planner can be a great tool to coordinate your activities. It’s actually the secret of many successful people. It also helpy ou to focus and get a clear mental attitude about the things that need to be done.

Here’s how you use a planner effectively:

  • First you need to add the relevant tasks into your planner for the date they need to be done. Take the items from your master “To Do” List.
  • Once an item is completet, mark it as completed by checking it off.
  • If you are left with tasks not finished by the end of the day, report them over to the next day.
  • If after the next day an intem is still not completed, something is wrong. Either you are procrastinating or it’s not really something that needs to be done? Ask yourself, “What if I never do this?”
  • If you can honestly say, that nothing bad will happen if you don’t complete this item, then you should delete it immediately and forget about it.

You see, writing these tasks down and keeping a planner is quite effective. Nobody can keep all things pending in their head only, and by being able to go back a few days to see if you are completing things and what has been deleted, you will better be able to structure your “To Do” List in such a way that after a while you’ll only have the urgent and important, or the important tasks written down.

Positive Thoughts and Focus does work: In The Magic of Thinking Big‘, David Schwartz says: Believe you can succeed and you will: Cure Yourself of the Fear of Failure; Build Confidence and Destroy Fear; Use Goals to Help You Grow; Think Like a Leader.

In ‘Think and Grow Rich‘, Napoleon Hill reported the results of many years of intensive interviews with the most successful people of that time. Many of them believed that their thoughts physically changed the exterior world by opening the door to possibilities that otherwise wouldn’t have existed. Napoleon Hill presented the idea as expressed opinions, rather than as a proven fact. He also pointed to many other things that these people had done that helped them succeed. He reported that it takes more than just focusing on what you want: There are other steps involved such as working with a mastermind group.

Thus, what is suggested in ‘The Secret’ is correct, but it’s not just thoughts, it’s focus, determination and action that will bring along the final success. This does not mean that the book is wrong. As I mentioned earlier, one needs to listen to it with an open mind and one must not forget to think and use common sense. The mental attitude needs to be there, positive thinking is a prerequisite to succeed. But it’s not just that.

Listen to this audiobook ‘The Secret‘ by Rhonda Byrne and make your own decision whether you want to use the law of attraction for yourself!